Our neighbor Cyprus
First time I’m flying abroad as a pilot
My first flight to Cyprus to the coastal city of Larnaka was many years ago on Megido Aviation airplane Cessna 172 4X-CHC. It was the first time I flew abroad on a plane that I was the pilot over the sea, I wouldn’t deny that there were butterflies in my stomach. Of course I did not dare thinking of a flying without an experienced guide. The instructor gave me a full briefing on all the different aspects of the flight: preliminary planning, round-trip maps including the navigation aids, frequencies, the devices along the route, a submission of a flight plan and receiving the necessary approvals and finally knowing the airport of Larnaka.
It was pre-GPS time, the main navigation aids was the VOR’S devices (The device located usually in airport, spared beams for all directions, an instrument on the airplane receive the signal and show the direction toward the target. VOR’S that are not in the direction of flight are used to determine the location of the reporting points were the beam lines intercept).
We started the flight on the Ben Gurion airport VOR and then ride on the Larnaka airport VOR, VOR Beirut and VOR Paphos help to identify the navigation points on the route, such as Tiros and Velox etc. Emphasis was given to the communication procedure, using the correct language according to the international code, familiarity with the control stations along the route and the frequencies of the stations.

Cyprus on the horizone
At first we must pass through an international airport, so we departed from Megiddo to Haifa airport. There, a border policeman was already waiting for us to sign our passport not before a security inspector asked if you packed alone, etc. We boarded with the essential information including weather on the way and at the destination and then we were airborne.
The summer weather in our region is not surprising, a clear day and light breeze and we were already after a reporting point “Galim” climbing to cruising altitude according to the flight plan we submitted. It was very exciting to fly over the sea when you do not see any land at all. The flight along the VOR beams makes it easier to know that there is something to rely on until a difficult moment when we lost the signal due to too long distance from the Ben Gurion station and too far from Larnaka Station. Usually it happened close to the midway, there was a bit of fear but the confidence of the instructor showed me that I shouldn’t worry. The important thing is to keep the direction of the flight while correcting to the cross wind. If you deviate from your route there is close surveillance, the controller will check and correct the direction if necessary, with little patience you will start to receive the signal from Larnaka.

Fun in Cyprus
A relaxing moment when we saw the island in the horizon reached the final and land. The first surprise was the VIP service that we received from the airline handling company. I will mention that a prior coordination was carried out before leaving Israel. It was my quickest entry into a foreign country ever. We went out from the terminal, a taxi was waiting to take us to the city. My friend offered me to sit in front by the driver, I sat down on the right chair and I noticed something strange, in front of me was the steering wheel. Then I remembered that Cyprus was a former British colony, I smiled in embarrassment, a little laughter at my expense.
Since then, many years have passed I joined the Baz Association, met new friends who made a habit of visiting Cyprus several times a year. Today, after dozens of visits in Cyprus, we enjoyed each time like it was the first visit. Most of the time we landed in Larnaka, sometimes in Paphos. Occasionally, we rented a car traveling the island, most of the times we just came to rest and to swim in one of the beautiful beaches surrounding the island.
The people are kind and courteous, the island is safe and there are plenty of places to visit and spend time. Begins with the children’s world on the shores of Protaras, the world for young people that focuses on Ayia Napa, and the ultimate vacation that spreads over the rest of the island, From Ayia Napa in the east through Larnaka and Limassol to Paphos in the west, then to Polis in the north and back to Larnaka through the Troodos Mountains passing charming villages.

History also did not skip the island, I will mention few places:
- The tombs of the kings north of Paphos – an ancient site.
- Aphrodite’s Rock – Found on the west coast north of Paphos. People come in to swim, perhaps from a belief that they will receive Aphrodite’s blessing. Remember, the site is without lifeguards !.
- Aphrodite’s Bath – Located on the North West coast of the island close to the town of Polis, a short walk to the cave with a little pond (not for swimming).
- Paphos Old Town – alleys with shops, restaurants.
- Adonis’s Bath – a 40 minute drive, the last few miles is gravel road. We separated from € 9 per person to enter through a small house with antique furniture to a gravel path along which sculptures of Athena, Aphrodite and Adonis of course stood proudly. Finally, after a careful descent on the stone steps, we reached a lovely pool with a waterfall flowing into it. The pool water is very cold, but that didn’t stop visitors from bathing in the pool.
We have traveled the island thoroughly, but one of the most enjoyable things was the gathering of all the pilots (usually we arrive in a group of years or three light aircraft) to tell stories from our experiences from flights and visits in wonderful sites.
A few words about food, in most restaurants are delicious, simple and cheap. Two notable restaurants:
The Mill – in the town of Kakopatria in the Troodos Mountains, the restaurant was built on a hill overlooking a wonderful landscape.
Zephyrus – situated on Larnaca’s promenade, excellent fish meal.